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McGraw Tower at Cornell University.

Cornell University has temporarily suspended all fraternity parties and social events.

This suspension, which began Nov. 7, follows one report of a student being sexually assaulted and reports of several others being drugged at off-campus houses associated with the fraternities, The New York Times reported. The Interfraternity Council held an emergency meeting about the incidents on Sunday, according to a statement from Cornell. 

The statement — signed by Cornell President Martha E. Pollack and Vice President of Student and Campus Life Ryan Lombardi — announced the administration's support for the suspension and encouraged students to seek support with campus resources and services specifically associated with sexual and relationship violence. 

Pollack and Lombardi said in the statement that “all found responsible will be held accountable.”

Cornell University Police announced on Nov. 4 that at least four students were drugged with Rohypnol — which the United States Office on Women's Health considers a date-rape drug — and became incapacitated at off-campus parties, even though they drank little to no alcohol. On Nov. 6, the police learned that a student was allegedly sexually assaulted, according to The Ithaca Voice.

During this time, fraternity leaders at Cornell are working to implement stronger health and safety plans, according to the statement.

Students at Penn have reported instances of sexual misconduct in the past, as shown in a 2019 survey. Penn's Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct survey stated that 25.9% of undergraduate women, 7.3% of undergraduate men, and 21.5% of transgender, genderqueer, and nonbinary students experienced unwanted sexual contact since entering college.  

The survey showed that there was only a slight change from 2015 in the number of Penn students who faced unwanted sexual contact on Penn’s campus.

Anyone who needs confidential support with sexual or relationship violence at Penn can get in touch with one of Penn’s many violence prevention resources including but not limited to the Special Services Unit in the Division of Public Safety, Penn’s Women Center, Counseling and Psychological Services, The Office of the Chaplain, Penn Violence Prevention, Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center, Office of the Ombuds, and the African-American Resource Center.