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The chamber of the Pennsylvania State Senate (Photo by Bestbudbrian | CC BY-SA 3.0).

There are 50 seats in the Pennsylvania State Senate. Democrat Paul Prescod is challenging Incumbent Democrat Anthony Williams for his seat representing District 8 in the State Senate.


Anthony Williams

Williams served as a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from 1988 to 1998, and then became a member of the Pennsylvania Senate in 1998. In 2011, he became the Democratic Whip of the Pennsylvania Senate. He told The Daily Pennsylvanian that his biggest goal, if re-elected, would be to promote fairness and equity, regardless of ethnicity, religion, or faith. He also emphasized the importance of gun safety, judicial accountability, and access to quality housing.

Paul Prescod

Prescod is a teacher in the Philadelphia public school system. His main priority is to improve the public education system and ensure that funding is properly allocated to schools. He also would like to focus on protecting workers' rights, increasing access to healthcare, and reducing racial disparities in the criminal justice system. He told the DP that after witnessing issues present in the Philadelphia public school system — from large class sizes to environmental hazards in the buildings — he decided to run for office.