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Credit: Julia Schorr

My name is Dennis, and I’m your friendly neighborhood barista! I was born and raised in Philadelphia, but moved back from Seattle about three years ago. It’s still weird being back, but I’m amazed to see that the city is still at it’s best! I attend Arizona State University as an international relations and political science major. I’m hoping to become an international lawyer and hope to make some changes on a global level.

Working at Starbucks has given me the opportunity to develop relationships with the Penn community and they’ve been eye opening. My first impression of Ivy League students was that they were all stuck up and vapid, but that’s not what I’ve experienced. As I grew closer with people, they would come to me with issues that they were having and asked how to go about them. What surprised me was how, in every situation, everyone thought they were alone. 

I’ve experienced issues with family, friends, love, money, and just the current issues of the world. I want to use my experiences to help you all be empowered and continue to thrive in your communities. I want to use my column to show everyone that their problems are valid and that it’s okay to laugh, cry, and scream. I look forward to seeing what many of you have to say. No matter how big or small a problem is, it’s still a problem. It’s hard with exams and social events to find answers. Sometimes all you need is a second opinion. 

DENNIS MORRIS is one of Penn's most well-known faces. He is the star barista of the 39th Street Starbucks. If you want Dennis to weigh in on any issue going on in your personal life, email with "Second Opinion" in the subject line, or fill out the Google form below.