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Credit: Ananya Chandra

A power outage struck University City early Monday morning at various points throughout campus.

Traffic lights went dark at various intersections: 34th and Market streets, 38th and Walnut streets, 39th and Walnut streets, 40th and Walnut streets, 34th and Chestnut streets, and 38th and Chestnut streets, according to an email from Penn Division of Public Safety.

"Penn Police, as well as Philadelphia Police responded and directed traffic at these intersections throughout rush hour, and continued to direct traffic at major intersections until power could be restored," the email read, adding that the city installed generators at some major intersections for the traffic light.

Power west of 38th Street was restored by 2:20 p.m., wrote Ben Suplick, the director of Engineering and Energy Planning in Penn's Facilities and Real Estate Services, in an email to The Daily Pennsylvanian.

At approximately 1:40 p.m., however, the intersection of 39th and Walnut streets still did not have power and there was no one in place directing traffic. Neither Public Safety nor FRES provided comment when asked for confirmation.

Suplick wrote that the affected buildings they were aware of included 3815 Walnut St. — the School of Social Policy and Practice, 3809 Walnut St. — the Jerry Lee Center of Criminology, and 3808-10 Sansom St. — a housekeeping building.

The Sigma Nu fraternity house at 3819 Walnut St. and the Sigma Delta Tau fraternity house at 3833 Walnut St. also lost power on that same block until they regained it just before 2:20 p.m. this afternoon.