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Abass Johnson // LinkedIn

Abass Johnson, a student in the College of Liberal and Professional Studies, died on March 25 soon after discovering he had cancer, the University announced on Wednesday. A Penn official later clarified that Johnson died of cancer. 

He was 37 and had a wife and three children.

Johnson was a student in the Master of Science in Applied Geosciences program and had last taken classes at Penn in spring 2016, according to a letter sent by Vice Provost for University Life Valarie Swain-Cade McCoullum and Vice Dean and Executive Director of LPS Nora Lewis.

He received his bachelor’s degree in biology in 2012 from Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, his master of public health degree in 2015 from La Salle University and was currently pursuing an MSAG in hydrogeology. Johnson was manager at Northwestern Human Services in Sharon Hill, Pa., where he had worked for over 10 years.

There will be a support group session for students and colleagues affected by Johnson's death at 4 p.m. on Thursday in Room 256 of Hayden Hall.