AirPennNet underwent outages in select locations on campus Wednesday, including in Van Pelt Library.
Credit: juliadeboer.comApple released minor updates to its mobile and desktop operating systems on Monday. The new software renders the AirPennNet service unusable across campus, according to an email from Wharton Computing. No University-wide communication has been made yet regarding the lack of Internet access for updated devices.
Apple’s macOS Sierra Update 10.12.1 was released to improve “stability, compatibility, and security” of Macs and is “recommended for all users,” according to the update page on the Mac App Store. The iPhone and iPad description said that iOS 10.1 includes updates to “Portrait Camera for iPhone 7 Plus and transit directions for Japan.”
In an email blast, Wharton Computing informed all Wharton undergraduate students of this issue, stating that Penn Information and Systems Computing has “determined that they are not compatible and do not function with AirPennNet.”
A professor living in Ware College House also forwarded an email thread between him and a Penn Information and Systems Computing representative that confirmed the issue and additionally stated, “There is no vehicle for sending alert messages to the community at large.”
The Office of College House Computing also updated its Facebook page to warn Penn students of the problem and advised Apple users to check back for a future update.
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