New Student Orientation welcomed the incoming class to Penn with both educational and recreational activities.
Credit: Daniel XuEveryone remembers their very first NSO.
Though freshmen are technically scheduled to attend the same events, everyone finishes their first week at Penn with different takeaways of New Student Orientation.
Connor Mills is a freshman in the College from Medford, N.J. Katie Devore is a Wharton freshman from Larchmont, N.Y. Yossi Sachi is a transfer student in the College from West Palm Beach, F.L. Maura Fay is a College freshman from Malvern, P.A.
Here's what they thought of the week.
What was your impression of the scheduled programming? Was it helpful?
I thought the scheduled programming was helpful, just very redundant. The most helpful event was the walking tour. I was able to know where my classes were before I started classes. – Connor
To be honest, I didn't attend any of the NSO scheduled programs, except for some of the mandatory ones. The one that had info on Penn Police was the only one that I found helpful. I am not worried about being in Philly, but it was nice to hear that we have our very own police force. Everything else definitely just felt a little useless. My TA for the Penn Reading Project small group discussion didn't even watch the movie. We spent the time talking about crazy NSO stories! – Katie
It was really good. We didn't have as much programming or regulated events as the freshmen As transfer students, they knew we had done it all before at our previous college. If NSO for freshmen is on steroids, ours was just on, like, Addy. — Yossi
I thought the schedule was helpful because it gave me opportunities to go do things and sort of gave me a rough outline of how I could spend my time (rather than sitting in my room wondering what I should be doing). Some of the mandatory things felt a little slow and repetitive, but all in all the topics covered were important and it made me feel very welcomed by the University. I really like that they addressed ways to feel more at home and to find our place at Penn because it reassured me that I was not alone in the confusion of being a freshman. – Maura
Did you attend any student group performances? If yes, which ones?
Nope. — Connor
No. — Katie
Nah, man. — Yossi
I did not attend any group performances but looking back, I wish I had. — Maura
Was the night life what you expected it to be?
The night life was what I expected. It was nice to hang out not only with other freshmen but upperclassmen teammates. — Connor
Honestly, it was better than I expected. I had a great time with my friends and made so many new ones. — Katie
I thought the night life was super fun. Maybe the idea of the “ratio” was something they should have taught us at an orientation event. That could be something super important for a successful year at Penn. — Yossi
The night life was pretty much what I expected. It was something fun to do at night and the majority of people I met (and upperclassmen) were nice to me. I won't be going out a lot once school starts picking up, but it's great to know that there are always things going on. — Maura
If there was one thing you could tell yourself before going into NSO what would it be?
If I could tell myself one thing before going into NSO it would be to get more rest and to capitalize on the free food! — Connor
I would've told myself to bring a portable phone charger out with me. Almost getting lost in the middle of the night ... that was definitely no fun. — Katie
I would tell myself to take it more seriously and to take it easy with going to Allegros. — Yossi
If I could give one piece of advice to myself before NSO it would be to try new things and meet new people, but also stick to who I am and what I am interested in. I think keeping an open mind is key and putting in real effort to meet new people will make any NSO experience a great one. — Maura
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