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The New York Times picked Philadelphia as the latest subject of its “36 Hours” travel series — and recommended starting out on Penn’s campus.

Philadelphia was featured after locales like Oahu, Amsterdam, Southeast London and Louisville.

“Begin on the west side of town in the heart of University City,” the article suggested. “The Institute of Contemporary Art at the University of Pennsylvania (free) is the city’s most prestigious space for modern work, with exhibitions that don’t shy away from provocation.”

The article went on to add that the ICA hosted Andy Warhol’s first museum solo show, as well as work by Laurie Anderson, and more recently has exhibited work from Robert Crumb, Gillian Wearing and Rodney McMillian.

Another aspect of the article that might be familiar for Penn students was its nod to “B.Y.O.B. culture,” though the chef-driven, $75 tasting menu Will BYOB that it recommends may diverge from the typical college student’s night out. The New York Times makes a few food recommendations for a college student’s budget, including a $5 burger at Fountain Porter and the $10 roast pork sandwich at John’s Roast Pork. The article also lauds the only slightly more expensive Pizza Brain restaurant and “pizza museum” in Fishtown. For the more adventurous palette, the $1 oyster happy hour it recommends at the Oyster House might also make for a decent deal.

Beyond restaurants, the Indego bike share program was spotlighted as the best way to get around the city, and rental stations for the bikes can be found on Penn’s campus as well.

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