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First-year fraternity members were incentivized by the IFC to attend the Vagina Monologues held over the past weekend. 

Credit: Chaya Wurman

In an attempt to emulate the Panhellenic Council and establish stronger relationships with The Vagina Monologues, the Interfraternity Council incentivized chapter presidents to encourage members to see the show.

Instead of requiring their members to go see The Vagina Monologues, the IFC made it into a competition between fraternities. IFC President and Wharton junior David Moore said most chapter presidents were not keen on the idea of establishing a quota for members to see it, like Penn sororities have done.

The idea of a “competition” between fraternities was not unanimous, but won over a majority of IFC chapter presidents.

“We didn’t exactly take a vote ... But everyone was like ‘oh yeah that sounds like a good idea,’” Moore said.

The chapter that donates the most to Women Organized Against Rape will be able to co-host a downtown currently hosted by a member of Psi Upsilon — otherwise known as Castle — and OAX, which is the former Alpha Chi Omega sorority. The name of the winning fraternity will have its name on all of the promotional material. Donations can take the form of tickets to The Vagina Monologues as well as raw donations.

“We are starting a tradition of the IFC helping V-Day and supporting them,” Moore said.

This initiative is independent of the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. Moore sees this as an opportunity for the IFC to get more involved in V-Day and establish a relationship with The Vagina Monologues.

College senior Galit Krifcher, the events chair for V-Day UPenn, worked with Moore to form the partnership. She is still crunching the numbers to see which fraternity gave the most support.

“We are trying to create a partnership between IFC and V-Day and hopefully set a precedent for future years,” Moore said.

Clarification: This article has been updated to clarify that the downtown that the winning fraternity gets to co-host is hosted by a member of Psi Upsilon, not the organization itself. It has also been updated to clarify that donations will go to Women Organized Against Rape, not to the V-Day movement itself, and that Galit Krifcher is the events chair for V-Day UPenn, rather than The Vagina Monologues.

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