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Herban Quality Eats catered the new building's opening event and provided snacks including vegetables, dips, and plantain chips.

Credit: Lizzy Machielse

This coming year, Penn students will have a slew of new restaurants to look forward to trying, including a few popular food trucks that are starting brick and mortar locations.

Herban Quality Eats, Schmear It, Danlu, PWS, Dunkin’ Donuts and Jimmy John’s will form the base of University City’s new apartment building at 3601 Market Street. Most of the building’s retail locations are in the construction phase and are not set to open until late 2015 or early 2016, according to the apartment’s website.

Herban Quality Eats, the popular food delivery service, is opening its first retail location by the end of December. Founders Amir Fardshisheh and Kalefe Wright, who are Penn alums, said they were excited to finally open in their storefront in University City.

“University City is a prime location filled with a lot of young people in an urban market allowing us to really build our brand,” Fardshisheh said.

Schmear It, the popular food truck found at 38th and Locust streets founded by Penn alumnus David Fine, is getting its first brick and mortar location as well. Soon, people around University City will be able to feast in the bagel-oriented restaurant, which will feature various cream cheeses and toppings as well as the stuffed French toast bagel famous with Penn students.

The restaurant hub will appeal to a broad range of student tastes, featuring both a higher-end option in Danlu, an Asian-influenced bar and restaurant, as well as low-key restaurants like PWS, which specializes in pizza, wings and steak. Jimmy John’s and Dunkin’ Donuts, both of which already have University City locations, will round out the offerings for the new apartment building, bringing mainstream appeal and convenience whether you need coffee or a quick sandwich.

3601 Market is a high-end apartment building next to the University City Science Center whose target demographic consists of young professionals and commuters. Southern Land Company CEO Tim Downey called 3601 Market a “true luxury building that is not student oriented.” Downey also said the apartments are smaller and nicer than other options in the area, but are still affordable.

Penn Dental student Danya Shabi, who moved into the building in August, was one of 3601 Market’s first residents.

“I expected to live in a New York-style apartment with very little space, but coming here is not at all what I expected — it’s very nice and luxurious,” she said.

School of Design students Matt Mark and Jessica Lee, who are interested in the possibility of moving into the building, said that they enjoy the “professional feeling” of 3601 Market.

The building offers are either one or two bedroom apartments, with one-bedroom apartments averaging around 690 square feet and costing over $1,900 a month. Two-bedroom apartments start at around $2,700 a month. The apartments are 20 percent pre-leased, and out of the 363 apartments, 65 to 66 are currently occupied.

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