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Police Station 40th and Chestnut


Aug. 14: An unaffiliated 31-year-old man was arrested for public drunkenness and possession of drug paraphernalia at the 3400 block of Market Street.

Liquor Law Violation:

Aug. 14: An affiliated 19-year-old man received a citation for disorderly conduct, public drunkenness and underage drinking at the 4000 block of Walnut Street at 1:03 a.m. Police were called to the scene after the suspect was reported to be intoxicated and yelling, in turn causing a crowd to form.


Aug. 15: An unaffiliated man reported a theft from register by a former employee at the Wawa at 3604 Chestnut St.

Aug. 18: An affiliated 24-year-old man reported sending money in response to a Craigslist ad for a hotel room rental. The Craigslist seller subsequently discontinued communications, and no materials or services were received in exchange for the money.


Aug. 17: A juvenile suspect snatched a purse from an unaffiliated 34-year-old woman. The suspect grabbed the victim from behind by the face and neck and threw her to the ground. A witness detained the suspect until police arrived and arrested the suspect.


Aug. 18: An unaffiliated woman reported that a suspect grabbed and twisted her arm at a dance camp at the Annenberg Center at 3680 Walnut St. Police advised her on how to file a private criminal complaint.


Aug. 17: An unaffiliated 61-year-old woman was arrested for trespassing and scofflaw violations at the Wawa at 3744 Spruce Street. Police were called after she was observed taking an item from the store. The suspect had been warned not to enter the store by Wawa management on multiple occasions prior to this incident.


Aug. 18: Confidential.


Theft from building: 4

Bike theft: 1

Other thefts: 4

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