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Credit: Yolanda Chen

We wrote back in September about how Penn School of Design graduate James Dupree was fighting to save his art studio from an eminent domain claim.

Now, Dupree has won his battle, as the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority has dropped its condemnation of his property, citing rising legal fees.

The PRA had gotten approval to build a supermarket on the space, but Dupree challenged the claim in court. While Dupree lost in court originally, his appeal ultimately won out as the PRA dropped the claim.

“Everything I own is invested in this building,” Dupree said of the space in September. “From the roof to the plumbing to the electrical, it’s all new, and I have renovated it to become my dream studio.”

Now Dupree will be free to continue his art within the 8,600 square foot space, free of an eminent domain threat.

Read more about the dropped claim on

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