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Credit: Luke Chen , Luke Chen

In the hardest application process of the school’s history, the Class of 2017 entered Penn with a myriad of talents and strengths, but the one thing we lack is unity. We eat in the same dining halls, suffer through many of the same problem sets, and live in the same buildings, but our social outreach often extends no further than the comforts of our hall, degree program, or even pre-orientation program. My name is Hope MacKenzie, and as the President, I hope to serve as a uniting factor. As the liaison of the class, I will bring your issues to the surface and get to know what my peers hold valuable and want to see put into action. When you go out to vote, look beyond the ““catchy”“ slogans and see the truth in each candidate’s platform. Vote for class spirit. Vote for unity. Vote for Hope.

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