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Credit: Luke Chen , Luke Chen

Hey everyone, I’m Edwin Sam from Cincinnati, Ohio. Heading into college, we were all excited about two things: the parties and the traditions. My platform is all about starting new traditions so that future years can look back at the class of 2017 as the class that created THAT tradition. As Vice President, I will spearhead an event called the Freshman Finals Luau. Throughout our four years at Penn, there are only two occasions that the class comes together as a whole: convocation and graduation. Why not increase that number? As the weather warms up and our grade begins to stress out about our final exams, we should all gather, put on our coconut bikinis, flower shirts, and leis to have a good time. Also at our luau, we can give out free t-shirts and free food, what every college student loves. Let’s work together to make this year legendary.

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