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Credit: Luke Chen , Luke Chen

Hi, my name is Casey Zuccarello, a mechanical engineer from Saint Louis, and I’m running to be your 2017 SEAS Class Chair. I’m here to wipe away the notion that engineers merely sit around all day doing math problems. We are engineering, and we do take on some of the most stressful course loads; however, we are much more than that. I hope to represent our class of engineers by shedding a whole new light on what we do. Moreover, I will work to alleviate pressure that we feel on a day-to-day basis by planning many of the stress-relieving events such as Cram ‘N’ Jam (free tutoring before finals), freshman BBQs, homecoming events, and of course, bringing in cute, little puppies during finals. I’m enthusiastic about the opportunity to represent our extraordinarily talented and exciting class. So remember, vote Casey Zuccarello, the Midwesterner with a dream.

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