Over the past 127 years, The Daily Pennsylvanian has aimed to provide honest and objective news coverage for the Penn community. Our readers have relied on us to dissect pressing issues that touch this campus and offer a forum for them to freely express their ideas.
As we approach our 128th year, we strive to enhance and inspire dialogue within the Penn community. But we aren’t perfect. We’re always striving for ways to improve our news coverage, our website and our ability to assess the pulse of this campus. At the heart of things, we’re a teaching organization, always looking for opportunities to learn. We rely on feedback from you to continually improve our organization.
In other words, we’re listening. We want to hear from you.
With the election of the DP’s 128th Board of Editors and Managers, we want to re-engage our readers in conversation and get their ideas, their interests and their faces back into our publications.
Our goal of serving our readers to the best of our abilities has not changed over the years. Traditionally, however, our relationship with them has been a one-way street. We publish, you read.
Aside from the occasional letter to the editor and comments on our website, the DP has primarily served to put out content for the Penn community to consume. This is going to change.
This means more conversations with students, administrators, faculty and staff. I plan to meet with individuals on campus throughout the year, people with whom the DP doesn’t customarily meet. I want to hear what readers think will make the DP their ideal publication.
So reach out to us. Tell us when an event is occurring on campus. Tell us if we get something wrong. Tell us what you want to read and if you want to write. Tell us what about our content enrages or engages you. Tell us what you think.
I’m only an email away. Tom@theDP.com.
The Daily Pennsylvanian is an independent, student-run newspaper. Please consider making a donation to support the coverage that shapes the University. Your generosity ensures a future of strong journalism at Penn.
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