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One of students’ favorite snack dips just got political.

Last week, protesters from Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, a Philadelphia-based group which supports boycotts of the Israeli state, staged a flash mob lat the Fresh Grocer at 40th and Walnut streets. The original protest aimed to discourage purchases of the Tribe and Sabra brands of hummus.

But now, some students are voicing their support for Israel — and the hummus brands.

While singing and dancing to the tune of Lady Gaga’s “Telephone,” BDS alleged that the companies “support illegal occupation and human rights abuse created by the government of Israel.”

While Tribe and Sabra are American-owned companies, BDS’ video of the flash mob said Sabra’s co-owner Strauss Group “supports the Israeli army’s Golani Brigade.” It also said Tribe is owned by Osem Group, “a strong supporter of the Jewish National Fund.”

Penn Israel Coalition President and College senior Evan Philipson said “the BDS issue is something we take very seriously.” PIC members were encouraged to purchase both brands of hummus and tell Fresh Grocer’s management they would like it to continue being sold. Philipson added that a boycott like BDS’ “can happen anywhere, even at Penn,” but that his organization is trying to help educate people about the situation in Israel.

Fresh Grocer Front-End Manager Adam Costello said many customers have been purchasing hummus and encouraging managers to keep selling the brands.

“I think that [customers] are actually buying more,” he said.

Dara Elass, Engineering senior and president of Penn for Palestine, said her organization is not actively participating in the boycott, but respects “the fact that [BDS has] this passion for the cause.”

“We’re not against it, we’re not for it,” she said.

BDS representatives could not be reached for comment.

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