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The referenda proposing changes to the Undergraduate Assembly were both passed on Friday after a majority of more than 20 percent of the student body voted “yes” to both questions.

As a result of the first referendum — on which 1,770 students voted yes and 528 voted no— the student body will vote directly for a UA president and vice president during Penn Student Government elections. This will go into effect this spring.

The second referendum, which will make several changes to the UA’s constitution, received 2,270 votes — 22.78 percent of the student body— with 2,032 voting yes.

Voting for the referenda closed at 5 p.m. The results were announced at 7 p.m, after the required two hours when violations can be filed, and no such claims were made.

Along with several other minor changes, transfer students will be enfranchised in fall elections and there will be a flexible number of UA members, depending on the size of the undergraduate population in each undergraduate school. The class boards will also be able to determine the titles and tasks of board positions.

The student leaders of the proposals all expressed excitement about the results.

As College senior and UA member Zac Byer put it, “The fact that we hit over 23 percent of students voting shows that that many students care about student government and care about representation on campus."

College senior and Student Activities Council chairwoman Natalie Vernon said she was “really happy,” especially because the referenda were voted on despite the fact that no elections were taking place.

“It also shows that you can make a difference, and you can make a difference while you’re at Penn, on campus,” she said.

“This is one for the history books,” College junior and UA chairman Alec Webley said. He noted that this was the first “sweeping change” to happen to PSG in the past 37 years.

“Hats off to Natalie Vernon and company for a job well done,” he added.

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