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To SCUE, for pushing through two major online initiatives, Online Course Review and Online Syllabi. These two initiatives will make students' lives much easier - and will save tons of paper.

To Women's Lacrosse and Men's Fencing, for their Ivy Championships.

To the junior and senior class boards, for making Hey Day a little less messy.

To former Provost Ron Daniels for becoming president of Johns Hopkins University.

To SAC, for recognizing that political groups qualify as student groups and deciding to fund them.

To the University, for beginning much-needed renovations on DuBois College House.

To SPEC, for putting on a great Spring Fling.

To the justice system, for convicting former state Sen. Vincent Fumo for fraud.

To the University for staying on track with both capital-campaign fundraising and eastward expansion despite downturns in the economy.

To the Division of Public Safety for curbing unattended theft throughout the University.


To the designers of the South Street Bridge, for failing to settle on a design in a timely manner. It's been far too long. Build a bridge and get over it.

To Capogiro's, for continually delaying its grand opening. We first heard January, and it's now May.

To the University, for continuing to allow military recruiters on campus despite students' opposition to the recruiters' presence because of the military's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' policy.

To Penn Athletics, for instituting a new policy for the Line. By requiring students to attend the Line to sit in the lower levels, the crowd at the games is smaller and less enthusiastic.

To the University, for shuttering Philly Diner. It's a Band-Aid solution to a larger problem.

To the Admissions Office, for shrinking outreach efforts after a slight rise in admitted applicants.

To Student Health Services, for poor schoolwide communication about the number of students with possible meningitis.

To Philly CarShare, for instituting a flat monthly rate, forcing many students to cancel subscriptions they used only once or twice a semester.

To Mayor Michael Nutter, for his initially poor handling of communication concerning the budget.

To the University and Wharton for investing in HEI, a company with shady employee dealings.

To the University and the West Philadelphia community, for continually creating a charged situation on 40th and Walnut, without a real explanation.

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