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After seven months of class and only-God-knows-how-many exams and papers, there's little doubt that if Penn students are entitled to anything, it's Spring Fling this weekend. We've worked hard, and now it's time to take a break and bask in some of our favorite Fling things: bounce houses, dunk tanks, a capella performances, trying to sneak alcohol into the Quadrangle (don't try, freshmen, it won't work) and, of course, those fried Oreos.

But there's always the flip side of Fling, and it's important to keep that in mind during the white Russian or mimosa brunches. Fling is a time of overindulgence and overconsumption, and it's important to remember not to party too hard.

Ambulance rides, for instance, cost upwards of $500, and a trip to the emergency department will last far longer than the buzz from whatever landed you there. Pregaming your 10 a.m. recitation on Friday and blacking out early means you'll probably have to skip Akon and Guster. And despite the abundance of liquids, it's actually pretty easy to get dehydrated. What happens at Fling doesn't actually stay at Fling - someone will remember and it will become one of those stories that nobody every forgets, no matter how much you wish they would. The word "Flungover" doesn't begin to describe what you can do to yourself during Fling.

We're not your parents, and we're certainly not going to write, "Have fun but be careful." Instead, just don't be an idiot. Know Thy Limits - whatever they may be.

Beyond that, though, chill, forget about that unfortunate exam/paper/presentation looming over your head and pray that the weather is good for this two-day party. You'll be much happier come finals.

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