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Princeton's women's tennis team defeated Penn, 7-0, at Levy Tennis Pavilion Saturday.

The 48th-ranked Tigers played very well top to bottom. However, the scoreline did not tell the whole story of the match.

Juniors Maria Anisimova and Ekaterina Kosminskaya had a chance to secure the doubles point for Penn in their number one doubles match. They hung with the Princeton No. 1 doubles team and were down a break at 5-4 but dropped the next three games to lose 8-4. The Quakers did a bad job playing well on big points.

Down 1-0 heading into singles, the Quakers were quickly down 3-0 as Princeton dominated No. 5 and No. 6 singles. All of the attention then focused to courts 1-4. Penn had to win the remaining singles matches to defeat Princeton.

Things looked promising for the Quakers as senior Lauren Sadaka and sophomore Alexa Ely both won their first sets at No. 3 and No. 4, respectively. Anisimova and Kominskaya both battled but dropped their first sets in singles. Meanwhile, Ely and Sadaka both started off their second sets down 4-1 and eventually lost.

Kosminskaya and Anisimova were both unable to overcome the consistency of their opponents and lost the second set. Ely and Sadaka suffered the same fate as the rest of their teammates as Penn left Levy with no wins.

This loss bring the Quakers record to 1-10 overall and 0-1 in the Ivy League. Princeton meanwhile increased it's record to 13-6, 1-0.

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