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Penn's women's lacrosse team plays Drexel on Vidas field Penn Drexel

Butterflies, nerves and jitters - just some of the feelings the Penn's women's lacrosse team hopes to overcome this weekend.

The No. 5 Quakers better hope those emotions are gone by 1 p.m. tomorrow, when the opening draw against Drexel (2-0) will occur at Franklin Field in Penn's first game of the 2009 season.

Last season, the No. 5 Quakers were able to snatch a 6-5 win against the Dragons in what also was the team's opening game. This year, the Red and Blue hope to improve on the one-point margin, which they felt was too close for comfort.

"Last year I think we came out against Drexel pretty sloppy, and you've got to get those butterflies out for that first game," coach Karin Brower said. "So I hope that we play clean lacrosse and play our game."

In last year's game, although Penn got on the board first, Drexel scored two goals in a span of 14 seconds to gain the lead. At halftime the score was tied at 3-3. The second half was also even, though Penn did get that extra goal.

According to sophomore Giulia Giordano, the Dragon's, defense led by goalkeeper Lauren LaBella, pushed the ball forward, putting extra pressure on th Quakers.

"Their goalie is really strong," she said. "We're hoping that this year that we're not as much on our heels, and that we're really ready to go."

The Quakers do have one advantage this year: They were able to watch the Dragons play Virginia Tech Saturday.

"We saw them play this weekend, so we feel pretty comfortable," senior captain Katie Mazer said.

Even though Drexel already has two wins, the Quakers remain unfazed by the competition.

"It's usually a tricky game for us just because it's our first of the season," Mazer said. But "I think we should come out stronger this year than we did last year."

After last season's game, the Quakers have worked on their scoring. In fact, last year the six goals were the fewest Penn scored in a win.

"I think we have a lot of threats that will pose a problem for them," Brower said.

The team hopes to go out full force, since it has both speed and depth on its side.

"We'll really push it and use that to our advantage," Giordano said of the squad's deep bench.

Both teams will be looking at familiar opponents, especially Giordano, who will play against her formal high school competition, junior Becca Drylie-Perkins.

Drylie-Perkins scored three goals against American, just one of Drexel's three hat tricks Wednesday - a record for the Dragons. Drexel beat American, 10-6.

Past battles aside, the Red and Blue look forward to playing at home.

"I think it will be exciting for us to play on Franklin Field," freshman Erin Brennan said. "Hopefully our team does as well as we expect."

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