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Today's issue of the DP will be the last published by its 124th Board of Editors. On Monday, a new board will assume leadership of Penn's newspaper of record.

One of our most important goals this past year was to transform The Daily Pennsylvanian from a newspaper into a news organization. The process is ongoing but we've made significant strides.

The DP's newsroom and its production departments now work more closely together than ever before. That change has made it possible to deliver content in completely different ways. Interactive features and videos have become commonplace on, greatly enhancing the reader experience. And by publishing the next day's articles earlier online, we put an emphasis on disseminating news more quickly.

We were well prepared, therefore, for a year characterized by the unexpected.

The Pennsylvania primary, which pundits wrongly predicted would be irrelevant, set Penn's campus abuzz with excitement. And our endorsement of Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination for president managed to make national news.

Then, in the fall, we watched as Philadelphia was roiled by wild celebration over the Phillies' victory in the World Series.

And less than a week later, we were there when scores of Penn students spontaneously marched on City Hall after Barack Obama was elected president.

It was a great time to be an editor at this student newspaper. Thank you for entrusting this duty to our care.

We are confident our successors will serve the Penn community well. Congratulations to the 125th Board of Editors!

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