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Jan. 13, 2:13 p.m.

Goodbye, plastic bottles. Hello, water.

In response to Penn's commitment toward increasing environmental sustainability, Dining Services collaborated with the Penn Environmental Group to replace bottled water in McClelland in Ware College House and Hill Express in Hill College House with "Quench machines": environmentally friendly water coolers.

PEG members will be standing by the machines for the next few days to show their support, explain why the machines are there and encourage students to use them. Free Penn water bottles were also given out to the first hundred people who took advantage of the new machines.

PEG co-chairwoman and College sophomore Jenna Stahl compared the implementation of the Quench machines to the removal of trays from dining halls.

"At first people were not too happy about it, but now it really isn't a big deal," she said.

See Wednesday's Daily Pennsylvanian for more information.

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