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The Gotham Book Mart collection is now stored in Penn's Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

Jan. 13, 2:01 p.m.

Gotham Book Mart was a literary landmark in New York City until it closed in 2007 - but now, its collection of about 200,000 books and manuscripts will be available to the public once again.

The University announced last month that an anonymous donor bought the Gotham Book Mart's collection, which is worth several million dollars, and donated it to Penn Libraries. Most of the inventory will be stored in the Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

The Gotham Book Mart was founded in 1920 by Frances Steloff and sold in 1967 to Andreas Brown. Suffering from various financial problems, the bookstore eventually closed in the spring of 2007.

According to Daniel Traister, curator of research services for the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Gotham Book Mart was one of the most important bookstores to start commercializing literary modernism.

See Wednesday's Daily Pennsylvanian for more information.

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