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The recent altercation at McDonald's between Penn students and West Philadelphia employees wasn't the first, and it won't be the last.

The neighborhood has a long history of similar incidents. Considering the many differences between the two groups, it's not surprising.

No one deserves all of the blame, but it's time for some Penn students to take responsibility for their role in the bad blood.

While not all students contribute to this problem, all can help make it better. Through simple measures like ordering politely and keeping rowdy behavior to a minimum, Penn students can help improve their reputation in West Philadelphia.

On the same note, local businesses need to work harder to train employees in customer service. The terse, often inattentive and sometimes rude service received at many establishments near campus can frustrate and annoy students, who can respond in kind.

In short, Penn students and local employees must learn to respect each other instead of engaging in a self-perpetuating cycle of mutual antagonism. Ordering while drunk is never okay but neither is ignoring or insulting customers.

Each individual student has the chance to help improve Penn's relationship with the community.

This is a good place to start.

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