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There's no tying in politics.

Last week, the Undergraduate Assembly and Dartmouth's Student Assembly announced that the voter turnout competition between the two schools ended in a tie. Soon after the election, both groups realized they had no way to accurately determine which school had the highest number of students turning out to vote.


When we first heard about the competition, we looked forward to kicking some Big Green butt. And despite the impressive voter turnout efforts here on campus, we'd even understand if we lost.

But a tie? Really?

It feels like both student government bodies took the easy way out on this one. The next time the UA announces a competition, we'll be a little more skeptical.

In the future, don't hold a competition unless you have a way to determine the winner.

Because when it comes to politics, there's always a winner - even if it takes three weeks, armies of lawyers and nine justices to figure it out.

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