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Next week, Penn will rock to the music of Led Zeppelin when Bustle in Your Hedgerow performs in the Social Planning and Events Committee Jazz & Grooves' annual Fall concert.

The band is scheduled to perform on Oct. 21 at the Rotunda, located at 4012 Walnut St., a venue that SPEC Jazz & Grooves co-director and College senior John Villanova described in a press release as "most conducive to moving your body in all different kinds of ways."

Two years ago, Joe Russo and Marco Benevento of the Benevento/Russo Duo, an alternative jazz and rock band which performed at Penn in March 2006, merged with Scott Metzger of Rana, a rock band that has opened for Lynyrd Skynyrd, Cake and Avril Lavigne, to play sets of songs by Zeppelin.

The band has since added Dave Dreiwitz, from an alternative rock band called WEEN.

"It's going to be simply incredible," Villanova wrote.

Benevento plays the keyboards and the organ, while Russo jams on the drums, percussion and guitar. Metzger also plays the guitar with Dreiwitz on the bass guitar.

Named after the line in Led Zeppelin's 1971 song, 'Stairway to Heaven,' the band has performed Zeppelin classics around the country at concerts like All Good Music Festival, High Sierra Music Festival, and Lollapalooza with "such passion and energy, you would swear they are their own songs," according to SPEC's press release.

The show, which will be limited to 350 people, will be standing-room only to "provide the maximum boogie experience," wrote SPEC Jazz & Grooves co-director and College junior Austin Paul in the press release.

"I have not heard of them, but I am eager to hear Led Zeppelin songs," said Engineering sophomore Tejus Goenka, voicing the opinion of many students who did not recognize the band.

Other than the Benevento/Russo Duo, former SPEC Jazz & Grooves performers include: Medeski Martin and Wood, Tea Leaf Green and Soulive.

Tickets will cost $10 for Penn students, $15 for the public and $18 at the door and will be available today on Locust Walk and online at

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