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Plastic is on its way out.

Recently, White Dog Cafe on 34th and Sansom streets decided to stop selling bottled water because of environmental concerns.

While it's not a widespread movement, crusaders against Aquafina have a point - bottled water does carry high transportation and disposal costs.

And as the University tries to improve sustainability efforts and make the campus greener, encouraging alternatives to bottled water might not be such a bad idea.

We're not suggesting that the University ban bottled water. But Penn could certainly take steps to reduce the consumption of bottled water on campus through a host of initiatives.

Some schools, for instance, have offered reusable bottles at a reduced price to students. The University could also sell affordable filters for those wary of drinking Philadelphia tap water in the dorms.

And increasing the number of working water fountains across campus could limit the need to carry bottled water in the first place.

Encouraging students to cut down on plastic-bottle usage could pay big dividends when it comes to sustainability. It's time for us to make the investment.

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