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The Undergraduate Assembly met as a full body for the first time last Sunday night as the newly elected freshmen moved from the audience to the inner circle.

"I'm really excited about this year's freshman class," wrote UA chairman and Wharton and College senior Wilson Tong in an e-mail.

"I think that they all have very solid plans to better student life on campus, and I believe that the UA will be an excellent forum for their ideas - whether they relate to dining, sustainability or College House improvements," he wrote.

Topics raised in the weekly Open Forum section included a suggestion by the Penn Alumni Student Association to co-sponsor a student government reunion mixer; a question about what the Pottruck Center does with old equipment; suggestions to improve PennLink, the online tool for on-campus recruiting; and an update on the Office of Student Life Leadership Retreat for students that took place over the weekend.

The meeting continued the Penn Student Government spotlight started earlier this year to improve communication among PSG branches and make them more aware of each other.

Sunday's spotlight session covering the Class Boards featured senior class president and College student Brett Perlmutter and senior class treasurer and Wharton student Andrew Snyder from the Class of 2009 board, junior class president and Wharton student Arthur Gardner Smith from the Class of 2010 board, and sophomore class president and College student Adam Behrens from the Class of 2011 board.

All three spoke about their events that will happen this year and answered questions about their budgets.

Members then updated the body on the progress of the Web Resources Proposal, The New Student Organization Fraternity Safety Proposal and the Move Out Proposal. The students working on those proposals are still in the process of speaking to administrators.

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