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From Blackberries to iPods to cell-phones, today's driver has plenty of distractions.

Unfortunately, such multitasking can be deadly. And three Philadelphia City Council members have decided to do something about it.

City Councilmen Frank Rizzo, Bill Green and William Greenlee proposed legislation last week that would ban handheld cell-phone use while driving or biking. We support the proposal.

On its face, the legislation may seem like an overzealous infringement on personal driving habits.

But distracted driving often has serious consequences, leading to fender-benders, accidents and even fatalities.

It's a matter of public safety.

In fact, a study from the University of Utah found that driving while using a cell phone is as bad as driving while intoxicated.

Many states - including New York and New Jersey - have already prohibited cell phone use while driving. By enacting this policy, Philadelphia can take the lead in encouraging this state to pass a similar ban.

No person should have to suffer because of someone else's carelessness.

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