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Although the intersection of 40th and Market lies only a few blocks from campus, few students spend time taking leisurely strolls through the area - both due to its condition and its reputation. Indeed, as recently as last month, the 3900 block of Market played host to a fatal shooting, only contributing to any previous wariness.

Thus, the University City District's plans to redesign the aesthetics of Market Street from 34th Street all the way to 40th Street come at a welcome time. By implementing better lighting, a bike lane, and other small but important changes, Market Street may become more hospitable to those who could profit from its diverse offerings, as they do farther east.

However, this is only a first step in improving the neighborhood and reducing crime.

The University should use this opportunity to increase Penn security patrols in that direction. Many Penn students regularly frequent the SEPTA station at 40th and Market, as well as the nearby Wine & Spirits. Cleaning up the area could increase use of public transportation, especially by less-confident students.

But the work must be done with an eye toward the existing community - the ReStore Philadelphia Corridors initiative's stated goal of "transforming neighborhoods" should not incur resentment from those who call these areas their home.

These renovations are long-overdue and will hopefully prove beneficial for the neighborhood as well as those who have yet to experience it. In neglected urban areas, one must appreciate any thoughtful, well-planned effort to beautify these concrete jungles.

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