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*This article appeared in the 2008 Joke Issue.

Stop the madness

To the Editor:

As managing editor of 123rd Editorial Board of The Daily Pennsylvanian, I tried to make the paper the best it could be.

I put my heart, my soul, and all of my math major skillz into the design and content of one of the best college papers in the US.

That said, this semester has been like watching my firstborn die.

I could shit on 14,000 pieces of paper and it'd look better than this godawful rag you put out every day.

Haven't you ever heard of a baseline? Where are your subheads? And why was there a photo of a police line in the paper????

I fear that the 124th's lax habits and excessive pot smoking on the roof will continue producing a DP only fit for mopping up frat boy urine during Fling.

Please fix this. It's all I have.


Wil Hershner This letter is, in fact, a joke, though somewhat based on reality.

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