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As the sunny month of May approaches, Penn students begin to dread the darker side of spring: finals and move-out.

This year, as in years past, the official move-out deadline falls at 12 p.m. on the day after the last scheduled final. And this year, as in years past, students will scramble to study as they pack with one hand and type papers with the other.

Arranging for storage and packing can be a major endeavor, especially for new students who haven't done it before. And for those who have finals on May 13, having to move out by noon the next day is a little inconvenient, to say the least.

Penn should push back the move-out deadline to two or three days after finals to give students more time to organize and store their belongings. Allowing students to leave on Saturday would be ideal, because it would make it easier for parents coming in to help during move-out.

During finals, the University should let us hole up in our rooms and ignore post-semester responsibilities. Instead, Penn's current policy causes needless anxiety during the most stressful time of the year.

Follow Up:

This past Tuesday marked the end to what has been an exciting Pennsylvania Primary. We congratulate Senator Hillary Clinton for her impressive win in the Keystone State.

More importantly though, we commend all the student political groups and civic organizations - like Penn Leads the Vote - for doing a fabulous job with getting Penn students out to the polls in record numbers.

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