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It's time for Campus Inn to check in to its new home at 40th and Pine streets.

Plans by developers to build an 11-story hotel at the corner of the two streets - on land leased to them by the University - have faced strong opposition from some community members.

But Campus Inn isn't just another unnecessary, expansive project.

Instead, the hotel is designed specifically to meet the longer-term housing needs of families visiting patients at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

Other planning groups have also thrown their support behind the project. The Delaware Valley Smart Growth Alliance lauded the project's green roof and other environmentally friendly design features, as well as its potential role in invigorating the 40th Street business corridor, as identified by the 1995 Spruce Hill Plan for the community.

The development also comes with an added bonus - it will allow for the restoration of the historical mansion currently on the site.

That doesn't mean neighborhood concerns, especially about potential traffic congestion, are unfounded.

Penn officials need to ensure that developers provide extra parking and try to respect the aesthetic landscape of the low-rise community.

Like all development, the benefits depend on the execution of the project.

But with proper planning, the hotel can play an important part in bringing more jobs and commercial activity to 40th Street.

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