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Today marks the first official day of publication for The Daily Pennsylvanian's 124th Board. On behalf of all our staff, I congratulate the outgoing editors and managers on a successful year of work. The new Board has big shoes to fill and much to accomplish.

Last semester saw the beginning of a major paradigm shift in this organization. Dramatic improvements to our presence online, including the use of video and interactive features, signaled an important transformation in how we operate. This year, we seek to solidify and complete those efforts.

As you will undoubtedly hear me say time and again, the DP must be more than just a newspaper - it must strive to become a news organization. As a broad media outlet, we will be able to inform and entertain the Penn community far beyond what is currently possible.

At the end of the day, we are truly here to serve you, the reader. To that end, we promise to be more responsive to your feedback. Our most recent readership survey, for instance, indicated a high demand for more campus event coverage. I am pleased to announce that we will soon expand our campus events listing to create the most comprehensive daily calendar available.

Inside the DP, you should also expect to see stronger features, more story packages and thorough coverage of major upcoming events such as the presidential elections.

I hope you will be pleasantly surprised with what we have to offer every day. I encourage you to take ownership of the DP by reaching out to us with news tips, sending us letters to the editor, visiting our Web site and contacting me personally with any suggestions.

David Lei is a Wharton sophomore from Brooklyn, NY. His e-mail is

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