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Last Monday, the DP hosted its final Open Forum of the semester. A number of you mentioned that you followed our extensive coverage of the University's announcement of its $3.5 billion capital campaign, as well as its plans for eastward expansion.

After Thanksgiving break, we'll begin coverage of the trial of Rafael Robb. Robb, a well-respected professor in the Penn Economics Department, was arrested in January on charges of murdering his wife. This not only shook the University community, but made national news, given the high-profile nature of the case. Once the trial starts, you can expect comprehensive coverage keeping you posted on all the details.

As some of you have noticed, we have made a concerted effort to truly make the DP a forum for campus discussion. Fostering intelligent debate is one of the many roles of the DP and this past month was no exception. In the wake of former Sen. Rick Santorum's visit to campus for Terrorism Awareness Week, we invited representatives from both the College Republicans and Penn Democrats to give their opinions on the merits of this controversial week.

Although not everyone may agree with what we print in the paper, giving others an opportunity to share their perspective is important to us. In just this past week, Vice President for Public Safety Maureen Rush, College Dean Dennis DeTurck and University Chaplain William Gipson, all wrote columns in the DP responding to various issues. We mean it when we say we want to hear you out.

Even though most of you know us as just a newspaper, we've been making great strides on our Web site over the past few weeks. We're featuring video online on an almost daily basis, providing everything from highlight reels of the latest Penn football game to clips of last Thursday's Big Man on Campus competition. Although we generate much of this video ourselves, we invite you to submit user-generated content of anything we missed. One such user-generated video currently featured on is of the melee that followed the recent shooting at 38th and Chestnut.

We're also proud to announce that the DP was one of 21 college papers selected by the Associated Collegiate Press for a 2007 Pacemaker, an award recognizing general editorial excellence.

As the semester winds down, we'll continue to provide the quality coverage that you've come to expect from the DP.

Shawn Safvi is the executive editor of The Daily Pennsylvanian His e-mail is

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