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Ellen Robb was brutally beaten to death last December after years of a rocky marriage. Now, her relatives have formed a foundation to help other troubled women.

Former Economics professor Rafael Robb pleaded guilty Monday to voluntary manslaughter, admitting that he killed his wife, Ellen Robb, in the couple's Upper Merion home by bludgeoning her with a chin-up bar after an argument.

On the same afternoon, Ellen Robb's relatives announced the formation of the Every Great Reason Foundation, whose name stems from Ellen Gregory Robb's initials.

The foundation is a way for the family help others as it tries to move forward, said Art Gregory, Ellen Robb's brother.

"Sadly, unfortunately it's a very common event for people to be in domestic situations where they feel they have no way out and therefore are subject to abuse," he said. "Following the tragic event that occurred, we felt that the only way we could really honor my sister and her memory would be to help others in her situation."

Outside the courtroom Monday, Ellen Robb's brother Gary Gregory said the Robbs' relationship was "unsound" and had been based on "a lack of love for many years."

The brothers said Ellen Robb had been verbally abused by her husband but would not say if physical abuse had also occurred.

Art Gregory said the Every Great Reason Foundation plans to raise money to support established projects, such as the Laurel House, an area organization that helps battered spouses.

The foundation is holding a dinner and auction fundraiser on Dec. 20 at the Radnor Hotel.

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