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New IFC president Credit: Toby Hicks

Elected last night, College junior Matt Dwyer will take the helm of the InterFraternity Council for the group's next term.

Dwyer, who ran unopposed and is currently the president of Alpha Tau Omega, will officially assume the post after spring rush in February.

The president of the IFC serves as the liason between the fraternity community and the administration as well as an adviser to chapter presidents.

Dwyer sat down with The Daily Pennsylvanian last night to talk about his plans for the position.

The Daily Pennsylvanian: Why did you decide to run for the IFC presidency?

Matt Dwyer: I had a lot of fun being president of my chapter, so it seemed like a natural progression.

DP: Do you have any specific plans for the IFC?

MD: I'd like to see some increased inter-fraternity activities - in that sense, a more developed intramural league.

We're redesigning the [University] alcohol policy this upcoming year, so that's a big part of what we'll be working on.

I think that if we work together- the IFC, the Panhellenic Council and other organizations - we should be able to produce something that's more cohesive with our current social structure.

DP: Are there any specific parts of the alcohol policy you want to see changed?

MD: To be perfectly honest, it hasn't affected my chapter very negatively, so I don't have the negative feelings some other individuals do.

I think that if we work together and take everybody's ideas we'll be able to find something that works well.

DP: Do you have any plans to mitigate rivalries among frats and underground organizations, especially after the controversy that erupted last month between members of OZ and Zeta Beta Tau?

MD: I think the best way to deal with unrecognized groups is really just to accentuate what we do well and play on our strengths.

DP: What weaknesses in Penn's Greek system do you want to address?

MD: If we could just work on inter-organizational togetherness ,. I think that would probably be good.

DP: Do you plan on collaborating with the Panhellenic Council at all, such as reforming the rules that govern mixers?

MD: I think I speak for everyone when I say we welcome the opportunity to have legit mixers with them that don't infringe on any Panhellenic rules.

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