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Provost gives a speech at the LGBT House opening

Penn's Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center held its 25-year anniversary celebration yesterday afternoon, honoring both the center's success and respected director Robert Schoenberg.

About 100 students and faculty members mingled and ate hors d'oeuevres in the center's new lounge inside the Carriage House as they celebrated the efforts of one of nation's oldest and most active LGBT centers.

Vice-Provost for Student Life Valarie Swain-Cade McCoullum, whom LGBT leaders called a "special friend," and Provost Ronald Daniels spoke to guests.

Daniels addressed some of the issues affecting the gay community, such as the "absence of protection" in housing and the lack of pensions and health benefits to same-sex couples.

He also touched on ways in which the nation has changed and expressed expectations that more changes are on the way.

"I thought the speech was really, really good," said College freshman Elena Pereira. "He made the point that we still have a long way to go, but we have also progressed a lot."

College sophomore Terrence Green also enjoyed Daniels' words.

"The provost was very inspirational," Green said. "I agree with him in that what we need is not tolerance, but change. We need social change and political change, not only endurance."

Although Schoenberg asked that he not be the focus of the event, guests-, including Daniels and McCoullum, were unable to keep his name and impact out of their mouths.

"The history of this center is very much Bob's history," Daniels said.

Students also praised the director, who has been with the center since its opening in 1982.

"He's just a man that makes you want to be open," Pereira said. "He's someone you can talk to, and he makes you feel like part of the community."

Schoenberg was very pleased with the event's turnout.

"It is very exciting to see that so many people from all different parts of campus came,"

he said.

College freshman Enmanuel Martinez, who is also a student worker at the LGBT Center, said he has appreciated the center's cordial vibe ever since he first stepped foot on campus.

"As an incoming gay freshman, it was really amazing to feel welcomed by the presence of this center, by the staff and also by major figures on campus- - both the provost and vice provost," Martinez said. "It's just amazing."

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