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Bill Green, a Democratic candidate for Philadelphia City Council at-large, said that, if elected, he will refuse the public-funded car each council member receives, according to a press release.

On Sunday, Green recognized Earth Day by calling for a change in the way the city, and especially city leaders, address environmental issues.

"If we're going to change the way our city does business and restore faith in our government, we need to start with changing the way we conduct ourselves," Green said. "There is little reason why our taxpayers should pay $40,000 so that I can drive to the office. Just think about what our city could fund if all members of council took public transportation instead of allowing the public to pay to transport us?"

Green suggested reallocating the part of the city's operating budget paying for politician's vehicles, maintenance and gasoline to funding more police officers, teachers, recreational facilities or tree planting.

Much of Green's campaign has been focused on government reform. Additional initiatives include mandating the release of outside income records for all city council members, publishing a list of all businesses that receive city contracts, as well as making all government meetings and records available to the public.

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