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Bicycle Theft

June 27 --A bicycle valued at over $200 was reported stolen at 2:41 p.m. from 4236 Spruce Street.

June 27 -- A bicycle valued at under $200 was reported stolen at 5:02 p.m. from Houston Hall at 3417 Spruce Street.

June 27 -- A bicycle valued at over $200 was reported stolen at 8:09 a.m. from 3400 Spruce Street. 28 year-old Dondi Decosta was arrested in connection with the theft.

June 29 -- A bicycle valued at under $200 was reported stolen at 6:30 p.m. from the John Morgan Building at 3620 Hamilton Walk.

July 2 -- A bicycle valued at over $200 was reported stolen at 8:13 a.m from the Steinberg Conference Center at 255 S. 38th Street. 25 year-old Roland Manson was arrested in connection with the theft.


June 28 -- Items valued between $50 and $200 were reported stolen at 2:50 p.m. from The Fresh Grocer at 4001 Walnut Street. 26 year-old Michael Johnson and 23 year-old Shana White were arrested in connection with the theft.

June 29 -- A theft was reported at 11:32 a.m. at Radio Shack at 212 S. 40th Street. Items stolen were valued between $50 and $200. 36 year-old Josette Bennett was arrested in connection with the theft.

June 29 -- A theft was reported at 11:39 a.m. at 3925 Walnut Street. Items stolen were valued between $50 and $200. 36 year-old Josette Bennett was arrested in connection with the theft.

June 30 -- A theft was reported at 9:34 p.m at The Food Court at 3401 Walnut Street.

July 3 -- Items valued between $50 and $200 were reported stolen at 7:01 a.m. from a vehicle in the Penn Tower parking lot at 399 S. 34th Street.


June 3 -- A robbery with a handgun was reported at 2:16 a.m. at 4000 Pine Street.

All information was obtained from the University Police logbook.

-- Michael Gulinello

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