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To the Editor:

I was delighted to read the letter ("Faculty response is anti-intellectual," DP, 2/21/06) from David Horowitz.

In it, Horowitz revealed to The Daily Pennsylvanian's readers his definition of someone being a "dangerous" academic and in doing so completely erased any credibility he may have had.

Apparently, anyone who holds an opinion with which he disagrees is "dangerous." Regina Black makes an arguably legitimate point regarding law with which Horowitz disagrees, so she is dangerous? Michael Eric Dyson has a different opinion of Tupac Shakur, and that makes him dangerous? Horowitz doesn't agree with Mary Frances Berry's appointment, so she is dangerous?

He is willing to include E. Ann Matter, chairwoman of the Religious Studies department, as a "dangerous" academic simply because she has "implied" he is racist, whatever that may mean?

I trust Penn students can see through Horowitz' shallow and somewhat paranoid pronouncements.

John LaVoyThe author is Pennsylvania College Achievement Program's director at Penn

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