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As you can see, the opinion page looks a little different today. The staff list has moved to page two; the columnists' photos have moved, as have their biographic information; a daily statistic has been added to the top of the page. The biggest change, however, comes not in the page's design but in its content.

For decades, all editors of The Daily Pennsylvanian met daily to debate and decide the content of the staff editorial, which typically runs in this spot. But as our staff grew, it became increasingly difficult to turn the views of more than 20 individuals into a single, concrete opinion.

So, as of tomorrow, for the first time, the daily editorials you read in this spot will no longer be decided by the entire editorial board.

It is our hope that the new Opinion Board, whose members are listed above, will bring the quality of the editorials to a whole new level. Electing a small group of committed, passionate representatives to the Opinion Board will allow the DP to write more well-informed, thorough editorials.

It's all part of our effort to put more time and research into our editorials and to make them more effective for readers, city officials, University administrators and the entire Penn community.

The new board is a large break from tradition, but the Editorial Board -- which is made up of editors from news, sports, design and other departments -- is placing its faith in its Opinion Board representatives. The Editorial Board hopes that a smaller group of dedicated people will be able to make better decisions than they could make as an entire group.

In addition, the new opinion page is designed to make readers' voices heard as well. Sometimes, this space will be devoted solely to letters to the editor. And by providing contact information at the top of the page, we hope our mailbox will soon be full of your opinions.

The DP will always strive to improve its content, design and reader experience, and we hope that these changes will result in a better newspaper.

-- Evan Goldin

Editorial Page Editor

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