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To the Editor:

Three weeks ago, I proudly submitted my Early Decision confirmation card to Penn's Admissions Office. I did so knowing that I would be attending a world class university situated in an exciting urban setting, a setting I believed at the time to be reasonably safe.

With the recent attacks on Penn students, I can no longer say I have great confidence in the University's ability to keep the campus secure and crime-free.

Sadly, some of my initial excitement has been diminished by these alarming concerns. Amy Gutmann and her planning staff have many responsibilities, but none are more important than keeping the student body safe and secure.

In the coming months, Gutmann must take specific and broad-reaching steps to correct this situation before it spirals even further out of control. No expense can be spared because, in April, admitted regular decision students will be choosing between Penn and other strong institutions.

It is essential that, by then, perspective and confirmed students are once again enthralled by the unparalleled academic unity and great social scene Penn offers, and not by the likelihood of being mugged or shot.

Steven Friedman

The author will be a College and Wharton freshman in the class of 2010

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