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To the Editor:

In a previous article ("Local Group Seeks Right to Tax Residents," DP, 12/8/06), you made an important error that I would like to correct. The University City District is quietly attempting to gain governmental authority over the University City area through a democracy of property units -- not a democracy of people, as you reported.

The clever folks behind the UCD board do not have to "earn the support of 51 percent of assessed property owners" as you state.

The self-selected corporate steering committee that will govern the area can describe support, according to the state law, if 51 percent of property owned does not file written opposition with the city. In other words, the top few corporate landlords that will gain exclusive decision-making power over a huge portion of West Philadelphia command thousands of value votes in the most anti-democratic process I have yet seen.

Everyone in the University community needs to take a look at this transfer of government to corporate leaders, led by the University.

At the Nov. 30 meeting you reported on, the UCD presenters could not answer any meaningful questions about citizen participation, accountability, or the expansion of their taxing plans that, of course, will be expanded to all property owners.

The answer to all of these questions was that the corporate steering committee would listen to our wish list, then, "democratically" among themselves, make any decisions. As you might expect, many of us laughed at their arrogant use of the word democratic, even though I simultaneously wanted to cry.

I implore the University community to take a close look at this dismantling of the democratic process.

Many of us are part of the West Philadelphia community, and many of us are from countries with a democratic system of government. Even a cursory look at the UCD board, the new NID steering committee and this anti-democratic proposal will shock you. Of course, you won't find any mention of this on the UCD web site, because, quite frankly, you are not supposed to know anything about this plan.

The people of Philadelphia need the University community to stand up to the business plan pushed by the University Real Estate Division and to help us stop the transfer of government to a private unaccountable gang of corporate leaders.

Glenn Moyer

The author is a West Philadelphia resident and a former student and employee of the University

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