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The Undergraduate Assembly constantly has to fight a battle against the perceptions of irrelevance that plague its relationship with the student body. The University Council's proposal to move Spring Fling out of the Quadrangle would have presented a perfect opportunity for the UA to finally take action on an issue that most of the student body feels strongly about.

As an elected body, the UA must act as the advocate of the undergraduate population. So why has the UA's sole response to the proposal been a mildly worded resolution suggesting that Fling remain in the Quad?

By failing to take any serious steps to counter the proposal, the UA has again left the impression that it is either unwilling or unable to truly be the voice of the students.

Simply put, the UA is being too cordial. This is not the time for a parliamentary outline listing the merits of keeping Fling in the Quad.

Rather, this is the time for our elected representatives -- those who were chosen to speak for the undergraduate body -- to go on the offensive.

Most students do not have the ear of the administration the way those on the UA do -- it is up to the representatives to take action. Go to President Gutmann's office and demand that Fling not be moved. Deliver defiant letters to the University Council not merely "stressing that the weekend must remain in the Quadrangle," as the UA resolution says, but condemning that they would even consider moving it. Send e-mails to the student body informing them of the situation to galvanize student opposition to the proposal.

It is time for the UA to stop playing nice. If there ever were an issue through which the body could prove its relevance to the average student, this is it. The opportunity has not yet passed. It is now up to our representatives to take the lead in truly being the students' advocates and prove that they are able and willing to make a difference.

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