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To the Editor:

It is spring, campus looks and feels so beautiful, and Hey Day is upon us. As concerned Penn alumni, we are writing to urge the Class of 2006 to restore dignity to the occasion.

Last year, revelers sank the class march to unprecedented depths. Watching in disbelief on Locust Walk, we were appalled to see flour-covered students squirting themselves with mustard, ketchup and shaving cream and even pelting each other with raw eggs. How could such a bright-spirited, venerable Penn tradition go so very much awry? We were embarrassed for the University, concerned for our safety and saddened to see a time-honored Penn event reduced to debauchery.

Members of the Class of 2006, have a great time this Friday! As you march into your senior year, go ahead and take bites out of hats -- if you must -- but please leave the condiments home. You will be bringing honor to your class and University and restoring honor to Penn's glorious Hey Day tradition. The rest of us on campus will be out in full force supporting you, applauding you and delighting in your achievement. Make all of us proud.

Bob Blake

College '72

Doris Cochran-Fikes

College and Wharton '72

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