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To the Editor:

As I write this letter, I have a fever in the ballpark of 103.5 degrees. The reason for this is most certainly the poor system of Student Health offered to us by the University.

Several of my friends are currently sick with various ailments. Student Health did next to nothing for any of them. One was told that his throat looked infected, but all they would do for him was give him something to gargle with so that he could swallow food. This does not suggest to me that they actually try their hardest to help students get well.

I have received better medical care this week from friends in the Nursing School. They may not be as knowledgeable yet, nor can they prescribe anything, but at least they care about their friends.

Myself, another friend and I'm sure countless others have even gone home to recover and see a doctor that knows and cares about us. But most students at Penn are not fortunate enough to live as close to campus as we do.

The biggest problem with Student Health is that most people will tell you not to even bother going. It is a commonly known and accepted fact that Student Health will not help students in the least.

This leads to a system of ineffectiveness in which students are unwilling to even try going to Student Health because they don't trust that the system will help them.

It is sad that at a university with one of the best healthcare systems in the world, students are the only ones unable to receive adequate treatment.

Rob Vrana

College '08

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