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To the Editor:

It comes as no surprise that the Locust Walk anti-war "rally" ("Iraq rally attracts little support," DP, 3/16/05) failed to attract a large audience. In recent months and weeks, the Iraqi people have participated in popular elections and, as President Bush predicted, democratic reforms are beginning to take hold in Lebanon and Egypt.

Moreover, most Americans realize the absurdity of the claim that the Iraq war was one for oil; former Presidents Bush and Clinton, Sen. John Kerry, and numerous foreign heads of state have gone on record in previous months and years to warn the world of the dangers of leaving Saddam Hussein in power.

As we continue to rebuild Iraq and uncover mass graves and torture chambers, we must remind ourselves that a tyrant who raped, pillaged, and murdered millions of his own people cannot be trusted to deal peacefully with other nations

Scott Kahn

College '08

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